.....and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.
2 Thesalonicians 1:11
Dragos-to your encouragement and first of all to God’s glory we declare that fruits that last started to show up and Dragos is one of them.10 years ago, he started to to attend the weekly Bible studies ,he came in the camp, trusted the Lord ad that’s where the great journey of his start. About 3 years ago we had as a missionary focus on
We continue to pray and work with our little ones Andrew –soon to be 7 and Dany soon to be 4.Just couple nights ago ,while talking about God’s love and Jesus’s sacrifice Andrew became very concerned about this issue and all of the sudden he asked “ if He loved me that much, what can I do in return?” This question brought so much joy in our heart and we encourage you to keep praying for Andrew and Dany to know the Lord, and to trust Him in all aspects of their lives. As for Dany he learns new words every day. Soon kindergarten will start and your prayers are appreciated as we need to buy and prepare lots of things for both of them. We are also asking lots of prayer requests for their dad and for us as we are approaching Department of Child protection regarding Dany’s adoption in the next days.
Summer camps
Either we were too blind before or did not see so many wonderful things. We had only 3 camps for kids(136) and 1 for teens (35) this year.. Each of them different with a special touch of the Holy Spirit.
heaven and things that can not be found in Heaven and her prayer was so simple” Thank you dear Lord that in Heaven is safety”.
The third week-it was from our knowledge the first time we had a boy from Bucharest ,member of EMO( a Satanist movement ). At the end of camp he promised to come back “ I was impressed and amazed. I really loved it .It was not what I expected( he asked his parents before he came, if drinks and disco’s are available at the camp) but I really enjoyed it “.
In the teens camp-it was our turn to be amazed-a worship leader from a very well known church in Romania, a gypsies church came 2 evenings in row to talk about worship and have real worship with teens .The Holly Spirit was just moving, touching , awakening (for the ones that do not know in our churches leaders do not allow instruments or alive music, so this helped all of us to see what a heart of worship does).
For about 2 weeks Vio took young people that we knew in the last years ,most of them with a relationship with the Lord and we were pleased to see that 12 of them responded to invitation of helping with Christian booklet distribution .First time when I saw them back I was “little “ surprise that in our car can fit 11 young people .They went in far ,far away villages, where people or other Christians won’t go and gave out 30,000 Christian tracts called “ Meet the king” .Of course they had all kind of experiences ,good ad bad, but it was so encouraging to see them all in the evenings coming back with “reports” and touching stories.(the distribution team in picture)
Having helpers it makes the work little easier .4 of the young people we trained in the last years joined in the open air evangelism ministry this summer .Thanks to this team, kids from 9 new villages
heard the Gospel : Lunca Corbului, Negreni, Aninoasa Cariera, Berindesti and so on. In some places kids and neighbors heard the Good News. Praises to the Lord for this and thanks to the ones helping.
The reasons we shared all these with you are 2 at least:
For you to rejoice that starting with the beggining of summer ,when Estera teached 2 weeks at a Bible Institute for Children’s workers, throught the whole summer God has blessed us with many miracles , some helpers, lives changed, stronger teens in their walk with the Lord, “ our” two kids with many improvements and we all know this is in part because He is good ,but the other part because you care ,you pray and you give.
Now you worked hard for the summer to go smooth here on our end , therefore you deserve a break. As for us ,not yet, since there is a workers retreat ahead, kindergarten and weekly bible studies to start or reopen in some villages.
Still resting with you in His promises
Vio,Estera,Andrei and Dany