Most of you heard about our latest trial with of the kids attending the camp. ( in the picture first at the bottom on the right)He does not have a father and his mom left him and went to Spain to work.His grandfather looks after him and he allowed Florin to come in our christian camp.There are times you see kids coming with luggage ,sweets and all kids of goodies ,but as far as Florin,his possesion was a pair of sleepers in a plastic bag ..One of the days it was trip day .He was one of the most excited ,since he did not traveled before .He is about 10.I had to stay at camp with little Daniel ..Vio went ahead with the couple helpers we had ..At lunch time they set a blanket to prepare lunch for kids ..within few seconds Florin was not there ..he followed two other kids who told him they found a rabitt .These two had shoes on but perhaps due to his slippers he felt ..and hurt himself .He hit a tree and nobody knows how and where ..within seconds he was on Vio's back traying hard to breath ..He does not remember anything ..Coming back at camp we fix his head -he had a hole in it ,but did not know how bad things were .Next morning Vio called a doctor in Pitesti and suggestion was made that Florin will be take to the Hospital there -just for check .This turned to be one of the hardest days in our ministry so far .In Pitesti,he has been checked ,and the doctors turned pale ...Vio was there with Mihai -one of the helpers from FLorin's town .No money for bribes and lots of things had shaken all our faith in that day .We got an message from Vio- pray he will make it to Bucharest.Two of the doctors in Pitesti checked him did,scanned him and all they could do and the daignostic was clear -he is dieing .Vio tryied his best bribe system so that they will get an helicopter ..and lots of things happen within seconds ..
If Florin died there were couple things that would really change here
-prison for us -since it happened in our camp and a penalty
- no one will trust to have their kids at camp with us
-we will have no right to adopt little Daniel or any other kids
and so we started to make phone calls asking and begging for prayers ...and it worked
After we called and asked for prayers God started to open doors
1) things in the Hosptial in PItesti changed -doctors were so polite ,and trying hard to help
2_an ambulance was sent to Bucharest with Florin and MIhai
3)doctors in Bucharest treated FLorin in a royal manner and they decided to do more cat scans and all of that..withing an hour and a half since prayer started even the scans came out different..In couple hours )which seemed to be half of eternity ,doctors decided to wait and see how Florin's situation changes - they found one of his kidneys crushed ,blood all over around his kidneys ,something wrong with the liver and so on..After two days we got news from hospital-Florin is feeling better .He is no longer in ER,no surgery taken and the blood around his organs were eliminated by urine ..we are just hoping he gets well soon,since we need to pay the hospital bill and it is not insignificant ...
Thanks for all your prayers ..and please keep praying Florin will be healed totally by the the greatest Healer .
Also next days we are trying to make steps regarding Daniel's adoption...if God does not get involved we do not really see a way out with so much birocracy ..
With thankful hearts Estera & Vio &Daniel