Developing a heart for devotion
Tools in our work –as in any other are so important. Recently some devotional books could be bought and Vio used them to teach kids in how to have a devotional time . Kids responded very well and it is touching and encouraging when they bring the books and respond to different questions .After studying the daily little lessons , their prayer life really changed .Jonathan is one of the boys that took this challenge very serious .Vio called one night after 10:30 to talk to some one in that family but Johnatan answered the phone .He was up that later doing his daily devotional and working in some lessons from the devotional book
Let’s pray together that this generation of kids will really learn and love spending quality and quantity time with the Lord.
Since summer is so short and kids we work with are so many ,we had to develop beside the summer camps ,the week-end camps as well.
Last week-end about 33 campers were at the camp in Badeni for the whole week-end .Wonderful weather and blessed time there .After this time A difference was noticed in some of their lives .4 of the kids attending that week-end started to pray ,after only a short time of attending bible classes .
As far as the training we asked prayers for –it is OVER .There were children’s workers from differences counties of
Our hope and prayer is that all teaching and tips given will be useful for all of them and many preschoolers in
Since in
Other than that, we try to raise the little ones Dany and Andrew and to be honest we need help in many aspects .They both have issues due to traumas they have been in and need lots of time and visits to doctors , plus treatment .
Of course we could not do any of this if there was no grace from the Lord and a wonderful team behind .Thank you for all your support either in prayer or financial..things happen thanks to your love and faithfulness .
Getting busier and busier
Estera & Vio + Dany & Andrew